Want to relax? Bantayan Island is definitely recommended.
— Bantayan Island, an island soon to be famous because of its “white sugar sand”. Invite your friends, families, and office mates. Here are some moments to share.
How to get there?
From Cebu North Bus Terminal, a bus ride to Hagnaya Port will cost around P165+ (AirCon) and P140+ (NonAirCon). We suggest to ride a bus, it is more comfortable and fun. From Hagnaya Port, a RORO ride to Santa Fe, Bantayan Island will cost around P215+. The same fare will apply round trip.
— Another beauty to discover is Virgin Island, originally the plan is to enjoy island hopping. But we decided to stop and enjoy in Virgin Island. Locals will offer 2k to 3k for this trip. It is 30 minutes to an hour trip. There is a P100 entrance per person. I can assure you that you will have fun.
It was a blast! The place you shouldn’t miss. You can stay for more than 2 hours on this island, a restaurant is available and a place to stay on this island. We did not stay long as we had other plans. So we will say goodbye for now to Virgin Island.
That’s it! Hope you had fun coz we did. Visit Bantayan Island. 🙂