Disclaimer: This Hermit’s Cove review was not paid and not affiliated to the said location in some ways. These are my takes from the entire experience with the said place, which guarantees no bias review.

Been here multiple times, and Hermit’s Cove beauty is well kept by the locals and the entire Hermit’s Cove tourism team. With that said, it is time for me to show you how Hermit’s Cove took my attention and excited to re-visit this place again and again.

IMG_5938-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

From left to right, Leonil Pasinabo Jr., Jov Amaro, Mary Grace A. Obando, Maricel Ramos, and Shaoran Neil Ybañez Ravidas

Why Hermit’s Cove?

IMG_5959-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Aloguinsan is located southwest part of Cebu, and Hermit’s Cove is a place you must visit. Not because it is near Cebu City, it a quick city escape when it’s time to have a “Sarap Buhay” moment.

How to get there?

Starting from South GT Express Terminal, going to Hermits Cove, this can take 2 hours straight if you are on a private vehicle.

O6krbyPb+9+bLR6mjfl4DpvhPoMBJAAkgACSABJKCTwP8BiT0FWP6TV30AAAAASUVORK5CYII= Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

However, if you are on public transportation. You have an option to take a van or bus instead, and your drop-off point would be “The Farm House in Aloguinsan“, from here, you have to ride a motorcycle going to Hermits Cove. The good news is, they have now a paved road, which the local government invested in this project considering the potential of having a well-paved road for tourists.

Quick Tour?

Disclaimer: In this time of writing, a strict pandemic precautionary measure has been observed at  Hermits Cove. I would strongly recommend following these measures for your convenience and other guests.

IMG_5851-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Guest Parking Area, facing the paved road

IMG_5855-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Guest Parking Area, for motorcycles and cars

IMG_5863-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Receiving Area

IMG_5918-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Receiving Area, where you register each one of you

The entrance fee is PHP 100, and the cottages were free to use for a maximum of 3 hours stay, during weekends, and more than 3 hours during weekdays. Right after payments and registration, you will be instructed to choose your desired cottage then, another team will set the time-in and time-out duration into your receipts.

IMG_5844-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Hermit’s Cove welcome sign

IMG_5946-683x1024 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Stairs facing Hermit’s cove beach line

IMG_5955-683x1024 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Facing Hermit’s cove beach line

IMG_5967-1024x637 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Wide view, facing Hermit’s cove beach line

IMG_6000-683x1024 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Wooden Stairs for photo-shoot at Hermit’s Cove

IMG_6013-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Hermit’s Cove Cottages, and Guest, facing wooden stairs

IMG_6026-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Hermit’s Cove Cottages

IMG_6035-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Hermit’s Cove Cottages closure look

IMG_6093-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Hermit’s Cove beach line, wide view

IMG_6218-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Hermit’s Cove guest taking photos

IMG_6018-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Hermit’s Cove facing local fisherman boats

IMG_6065-1024x687 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Hermit’s Cove facing local fisherman boats

IMG_6152-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Hermit’s Cove facing local fisherman boats, a closer look

IMG_6104-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

A kid playing local fisherman boat

IMG_6166-1024x683 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

A kid playing local fisherman boat, a closure look

IMG_5993-683x1024 Hermit's Cove, underrated beach in Aloguinsan

Hermits Cove beach line, from the wooden stairs

How was the entire experience?

I recommend Hermit’s Cove, aside from staff was accommodating and it is near Cebu City. It has a relaxing vibe, which a 3 hours stay is worth it. The downside is, they have not permitted guests for overnight stay yet, however, you can add Hermit’s Cove as a place to visit before going to Badian, Moalboal, and the rest of Cebu South resorts.

Google Map

Price and Expense

₱ 100

The rates, contact details and other information indicated in this post are accurate from the time of writing but may change without cityescape.ph's notice. Should you know the updated information, please let us know via [email protected]





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An aspiring cinematographer and front-end developer. Founder of cityescape.ph. Help me build a community where everyone's experience can make a difference. Join us now.

This post has comments

There we're no phone signal once you are at the location, except if you are in the receiving area po.

Was there Globe phone signal?

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